Charisma Carpenter Plastic Surgery Before and After

Charisma Carpenter Plastic Surgery Before & After
Charisma Carpenter is undoubtedly one of the beautiful actresses of her generation, not to mention among the most talented as well. She gained fame when she landed the coveted role of Cordelia Chase on Buffy and then later on the spin-off Angel. As with other popular celebrities in Hollywood, Charisma has been rumored, at one point or another, to have undergone plastic surgery. For many years, Charisma Carpenter plastic surgery stories have been tabloid fodder, especially when she went back to full time acting after a brief hiatus.
According to several sources, some more reliable than the others, Carpenter had a number of cosmetic procedures done including breast augmentation, nose job, Botox, and cheek or lip fillers. True enough, her bust line increased significantly over the past few years, which is what sparked the plastic surgery rumors in the first place. Granted, she did gain a bit of weight since her Buffy and Angel days, but many are convinced that her increased bust size is far from natural. In a number of interviews with the actress, she mentioned that her exceptional good looks are due to a strict healthy diet and regular exercise. She neither denied nor confirm having had breast implants or liposuction.
It is not uncommon for actresses to find themselves dissatisfied with their looks, whether it is because of their personal insecurities or the constant pressure from the media. If Charisma really did get implants, she made a great choice in the surgeon because the results are excellent. If she were not an actress, no one would ever guess that she had implants since her breasts look as natural as ever, albeit a few cup sizes larger. Her face remains more or less untouched, or at least that’s how it appears as of recently. At 43, she still look sexy and definitely desirable.
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